A Member of the Rieveschl Laboratories for Mass Spectrometry
Limbach Group Alumni

Former Graduate Students
Marianna Bonafim Piveta Ph.D. August 2022 “Characterization of oxidation induced damage to Ribosomal RNA through LC-MS”(co-advisor with Prof. Addepalli)
Priti Thakur Ph.D. December 2021 “Understanding the cleavage characteristics of ribonucleases cusativin and MC1 used in RNA modification mapping” (co-advisor with Prof. Addepalli)
Melissa Kelley Ph.D. December 2021 “Evaluating the effects of adverse conditions on tRNA modifications in model eukaryotes”
Ruoxia Zhao Ph.D. April 2021 “Investigation of ribonucleic acid post-transcriptional modifications by optimized LC-MS/MS methods”
Manasses Jora Ph.D. December 2020 “Higher-energy collisional dissociation (HCD) as a complementary tool for expanding the detection and discovery of modified ribonucleosides by LC-MS/MS”
Christina Psihountas M.S. August 2020
Peter Lobue Ph.D. August 2020 (posthumous) “Towards the Parallel, Accurate, and High-throughput Mapping of RNA Modifications by Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry”
Congliang Sun Ph.D. December 2019 “Probing the UVA-induced effect on tRNA and tRNA modifications by LC-MS” (co-advisor with Prof. Addepalli)
Limbach Group Alumni
You can directly support the lab and meet your UC annual pledge at the same time. When making your pledge or one-time donation, designate your gift to the “UC Department of Chemistry Bio-mass Spectrometry Fund - F100749”. Your gift will then be used by the lab to support undergraduate and graduate student travel to meetings and conferences. Thank You!
Beulah Mae Ann Solivio Ph.D. April 2019 “Studying the RNA-Recognition Site of RNase U2 for a More Diverse Bioanalytical Toolbox in RNA Modification Mapping”
Ningxi Yu Ph.D. December 2018. “Post-transcriptional Modification Characterizing and Mapping of Archaea tRNAs Using Liquid Chromatography with Tandem Mass Spectrometry”
Mellie June Paulines Ph.D. December 2018. “Reference Maps for Comparative Analysis of RNA by LC-MS and RNA Sequencing”
Kayla Borland Ph.D. May 2018. “Modified Nucleosides Part A: A Platform for the Chemical Tagging of Ribonucleic Acids for Analysis by Mass Spectrometry Part B: Base-Modified Thymidines Exhibiting Cytotoxicity towards Cancer Cells”
Anna Donnell Ph.D. August 2017. “Bridging Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry from Metalloproteomics to the Undergraduate Curriculum” *directed to completion upon passing of Prof. Joseph Caruso
Xiaoyu Cao Ph.D. April 2017. “Mass Exclusion List for RNA Modification Mapping Using LC-MS/MS”
Robert Ross Ph.D. December 2016. “Taking It Down a Level: Low Flow Sampling of RNAs by Liquid Chromatography Coupled to Tandem Mass Spectrometry”
Whitney Houser M.S. (non-thesis) August 2016.
Collin Wetzel Ph.D. December 2015. “Global Identification and Mass Mapping of tRNA Isoacceptors Using Targeted Tandem Mass Spectrometry”
Lihua Fu M.S. August 2015. “Identification of Posttranscriptional Modifications in Thermus thermophilus: wild type HB 8 and mutant DTTHA 1897 by LC-UV-MS/MS”.
Siwei Li Ph.D. December 2013. “High Throughput Automated Comparative Analysis of RNA Using Isotope Labeling and LC-MS/MS”
Romel Dator Ph.D. December 2013. “Characterization of Ribosomes and Ribosome Assembly Complexes by Mass Spectrometry”
Wunan Shi M.S. August 2013. “High-Throughput De Novo Sequencing of Transfer RNAs Using Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry”
Rebecca Rohlfs Ph.D., April 2013. “Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Methylated Ribosomal RNA”
Susan Russell Ph.D., December 2012. “Characterizing Modified Nucleosides in RNA by LC/UV/MS”
Brittany Catron Ph.D., June 2012. “Analysis of Protein:RNA Cross-links by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry and Tandem Mass Spectrometry”
Tiffany Hilson M.S., June 2012. “Developing and Optimizing a Mass Spec-Friendly Protocol for Fractionation of tRNAs Through Two Dimensional Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis”
Kady Krivos Ph.D., June 2011. “Analysis of RNA: Peptide Heteroconjugates by Electron Induced Dissociation Mass Spectrometry”
Colette Castleberry Ph.D., December 2009. “Quantitative Identification of Non-coding RNAs by Isotope Labeling and LC-MS/MS”
Daisy-Malloy Hamburg Ph.D., June 2008. “Biochemical and MALDI-MS Methods for Characterization of Ribosomal Proteins”
Mahmud Hossain Ph.D., June 2008. “Characterization of Non-protein-coding Nucleic Acids by their Signature Digestion Products and Mass Spectrometry”
Soheil Pourshahian Ph.D., June 2008. “Characterization of Ribonucleoproteins by Cross-linking and Mass Spectrometry”
Anita Durairaj Ph.D., December 2007. “Improved Identification of the Post-transcriptionally Modified Nucleoside, Pseudouridine, in RNAs”
Samuel Washington Ph.D., May 2007. “Chemical Differences of Atherosclerotic Plaques in Native and Bypass Human Coronary Arteries and Diseased and Non-diseased Human Aortas” (Co-advisor Prof. Isiah Warner).
C. Callie Coombs M.S., June 2006. “Developing Liquid Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry Approaches for Studying Posttranscriptional Modifications in Small RNAs”
Justin Mecomber Ph.D., June 2006. “Fabrication and Chemical Modification of Polymer Microchip Devices Suitable for Mass Spectrometry”
Wendy Dominick Ph.D., June 2006. “Enzyme Immobilization on Poly(Methylmethacrylate) (PMMA) Surfaces”
Chad Robins Ph.D., June 2005. “Nonpolar Matrices for Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry”
Moojin Suh Ph.D., March 2005. “Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry of Bacterial Ribosomal Proteins and Ribosomes”
Rama Tummala Ph.D., December 2004. “The Use of Surfactant-Aided Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry in Proteomics”
Zhaojing Meng Ph.D., December 2004. “Towards High-Throughput Sequencing of RNA Using Mass Spectrometry”
Beniam Berhane Ph.D., June 2003 “Rapid Characterization of Posttranscriptional Modifications in RNA Using Matrix-assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry and Matrix-assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Post Source Decay Mass Spectrometry”
Kemberly Patteson Ph.D., June 2003 “Analysis of the Mass Silent Posttranscriptional Modification Pseudouridine in RNA by Mass Spectrometry”
Stephen F. Macha Ph.D., May 2001 “Analysis of Hydrocarbon Materials by Use of Nonpolar Matrices in Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-MS)”
Tracey A. Simmons Ph.D., May 2001 “Improved Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Linear Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry of Oligonucleotides and Nucleic Acids Via Matrix Additives and Sample Preparatory Technique” NIH Predoctoral Fellowship 1999–2000.
Victor E. Vandell Ph.D., May 2000 “New Developments in Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry of Oligonucleotides and Nucleic Acids”
Kari B. Green-Church Ph.D., December 1999 “Mass Spectrometry of Biomolecules. Part A: Gas-Phase Thermochemical and Structure Determinations of Mononucleotides. Part B: Analysis of Hydrophobic Peptides and Proteins by Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry”
Lenore M. Polo Ph.D., May 1999 “The Characterization of Oligonucleotides and Nucleic Acids Using RNase H and Mass Spectrometry” Board of Regents Fellow, 1994–1998. ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Summer Fellowship Sponsored by SACP, 1998
Post-Graduate Researchers/Visiting Scholars
Dr. Jennifer Kist Postdoctoral Research Associate 2023 - present
Dr. Gwenn Parungao Postdoctoral Research Associate 2018 - 2021
Dr. Robert Ross Postdoctoral Research Associate 2016 - 2019
Jessica Willis Visiting Scholar 2018 - 2019
Prof. Balu Addepalli Research Scientist 2008 - 2013
Dr. Kirk Gaston Postdoctoral Research Associate 2010 - 2014
Daniel Horne Visiting Scholar 2012
Annika Butterer Visiting Scholar 2010 - 2011
Dr. Anne McLachlan Research Associate 2004 - 2010
Dr. Irena Nikcevic, Postdoctoral Research Associate 2008 - 2009
Dr. Lianji Jin Postdoctoral Research Associate 2002 - 2004
Dr. Stephen F. Macha Postdoctoral Research Associate 2001 - 2002
Dr. Chau-Wen Chou Postdoctoral Research Associate 1997 - 1999
Undergraduate Researchers @ UC
Lauren Schultz 2016
Aaron Hirsch 2015 capstone
Morgan Restaino 2015 capstone
Angela Galli 2015 capstone
Kyle George 2015 capstone
Ronny Ipach 2015
Tom Kohorst 2015 capstone
Danielle Marler 2015 capstone
Lauren Schultz 2015 - present
Mallory Smith 2015 capstone
Amber Volmer 2015 capstone
Jacquelyn Barry 2014 capstone
Asefa Dinagde 2014 capstone
Ismail Gunacar 2014 capstone
Courtney Collins 2014 - present
Mathew Pflanz 2014 - present; capstone completed in 2014; also awarded summer 2014 departmental fellowship
Sarah Venus 2013 -present; capstone completed in 2014
Kathryn Marcus 2014 capstone
Matthew Bergmann 2014 capstone
Chelsea Burns 2014 capstone
William Judd 2014 capstone
Lucas Hendrixson 2014 capstone
Chelsea Mathews 2014 capstone
Karen Rahe 2014 capstone and summer 2014 departmental fellowship
Sruthi Kesanam 2013 capstone
Kim Nguyen 2013 capstone
Michael English 2012
Rebekka Meeks 2012
Summer Payton 2011 capstone
Jared Warncke 2011 capstone
Brittani Nicolaci 2010 - 2011
Maggie Zorc 2010 - 2011; also Summer 2010 WISE student
Andrew Allison 2010 - 2011
Rachel Helpling 2009 - 2010; also Summer 2009 WISE student
Katherine Kirschner 2008 - 2009; also Summer 2008 WISE student
Rhonda Collins 2007 - 2008
Yasmine Noujam 2007 - 2008; also Summer 2007 WISE student
Nicolas Bodmer 2007
Collin Wetzel 2005 - 2006
David Nieves 2002 - 2003
Other Group Members @ UC
Sabrina Cramer 2012
Erica Beck 2011
Jessica Kotha 2009 - 2011
Jordan Callahan 2010 - 2011
Emily Niehaus 2009
April Dupre 2003 - 2007
Salane King 2005 - 2006
Nathan Hall 2002 - 2005
Undergraduate Researchers - Summer Programs
NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU), Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), Louisiana Alliance for Minority Participation in Science (LAMP), Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) or ACS Project Seed Summer Students
Natalie DeWitte, Trinity University, NSF REU student summer 2014.
Nick Lesner, Wooster College, NSF REU student summer 2014 (with Prof. Addepalli).
Bethel Tekaligne, University of Cincinnati WISE student summer 2013 (with Prof. Addepalli).
Zelaya Meadows, Northwestern University, NSF REU student summer 2010.
Thomas Riffelmacher, Germany, NSF REU student summer 2010.
Maggie Zorc, University of Cincinnati, WISE student summer 2010.
Rachel Helpling, University of Cincinnati, WISE student summer 2009.
Annika Butterer, Germany, NSF REU student summer 2009.
Kim (Nikki) Reishus, Taylor University, NSF REU student summer 2009.
Katherine Kirschner, University of Cincinnati, WISE student summer 2008.
Kathleen Lilleness, Whitworth University, NSF REU student summer 2008.
Yasmine Noujam, University of Cincinnati, WISE student summer 2007.
Rachel Selby, Rose Hulman Institute, NSF REU student summer 2007.
Cassandra Dees, Winton Hills High School, Cincinnati, ACS Project Seed student summer 2004 and 2005.
Phillip Heilers, Ball State University, NSF REU student summer 2005.
Ben Kissling, University of Nebraska, NSF REU student summer 2003.
Carl Murphy, Bradley University, NSF REU student summer 2002.
Melissa Bailey, Louisiana State University, LAMP student summer 1999 & 2000.
Lisa Welp, Indiana University, NSF REU student summer 1999.
Jessica Ragas, Louisiana State University, HHMI student summer 1999.
Kelli Kuhnle, Old Dominion University, NSF REU student summer 1999.
Gary Breaux, Louisiana State University, NSF REU student summer 1999.
Shandolyn Story, Louisiana State University, HHMI student summer 1998.
Amy France, Western Kentucky University, NSF REU student summer 1998.
Connie Saunders, Mary Baldwin College, NSF REU student summer 1997.
Dorothy Lewis, Xavier University, NSF REU student summer 1996.
Daryl Crenshaw, Xavier University, NSF REU student summer 1995.
Undergraduate Researchers @ LSU
Paige Tarver, (B.S. in Chemical Engineering 2003)
Tasha Lamotte, (B.S. in Chemistry 2003)
Lisa Ballard, (B.S. in Biochemistry 2003)
Courtney Patrick, (B.S. in Microbiology 2002)
Erica Williams, (B.S. in Biochemistry 2002)
Kerri Argyle, (B.S. in Chemistry 2001)
Amy Lepari, (B.S. in Chemistry 2001)
Melissa Griggs, (B.S. in Chemistry 2001)
Melissa Bailey, (B.S. in Chemistry 2001)
Jessica Ragas, (B.S. in Biochemistry 2001)
Shannon Mienvielle, (B.S. in Chemistry 2000)
Gary Breaux, (B.S. in Chemistry 2000)
Weizhe Chu, (B.S. Chemistry 1999)
Ashanta Brown, (B.S. Chemistry/Chemical Engineering 1999)
Tung Vu, (B.S. Chemistry 1995)